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A unique way of interacting with customers that involves bringing our values to the customer.

Consultative Selling means bringing value to your customer by improving your customer’s business performance, reducing its costs, or improving profits, over and above the contract you have signed.
Consultative Selling Skills That Win Sales
For many, the art of selling is competitive—a matter of winning and losing in which one party achieves success at the expense of another. The art of consultative selling is something very different. Whether one employs these techniques as an internal advocate or an external consultant, consultative selling requires that both parties win.
Moreover, wining is measured by the value that the consultative seller has delivered to the client and his or her organization. Bringing value to a client’s organization and to one’s own organization by reducing costs, increasing profits, and generally improving its business performance beyond expectations is the goal of a consultative seller. A consultative seller is someone who delivers genuine value to the client—value that transcends expectations.
Consultative selling is also a unique way of interacting with customers that involves bringing our experts to our customer in the process. These techniques take those customer relationships to the next level. And it has been a very rewarding journey for all involved.
The approach is a unique concept that should be practiced by every sales executive in a service business. It defines customer value, provides practical frameworks for customer interaction, and outlines in pragmatic steps how to create one’s own value to customers. Consultative selling establishes an atmosphere of intimacy, which promotes genuine collaboration with one’s customers in an effort to improve their business.
Who will benefit?
This session will benefit and should be attended by experienced sales persons who want to learn how to develop their client base through a more strategic approach to consultative selling.

The consultative selling framework seeks to add value not only to the customer but also to the service provider by providing feedback for keeping ahead of the technology curve, improving margins and profitability.
As opposed to traditional sales executives, where you are always aspiring to sell a product or service of your organization to your customer, consultative selling achieves new business in which your customer is investing in an initiative where both you and your customer make profits. A consultative seller’s first objective is to make profits for the customer and not himself.
However, in the process, the seller ends up making his own profits
There is a large difference between traditional selling and consultative selling. The thought process of a consultative seller always is about making his customer successful, thereby making himself successful, whereas a traditional sales executive thinks about making himself successful by winning new deals, and if they are not realized, the traditional sales executive shifts his focus to other customers, leaving behind a huge potential business to his competitors.
In traditional selling:
A product or service is sold at a price. In consultative selling, profit that customers can make via a service is sold as a service.
The customer identifies a potential business opportunity for you, whereas, in consultative selling, you identify an opportunity for your customer and yourself.
The customer asks for a service to mitigate a challenge he or she is currently facing or asks for a service to improve his or her current performance. In consultative selling, the seller identifies the customer challenge and suggests challenges to mitigate.
The customer thinks of improving performance of his or her organization and approaches the vendor. In consultative selling, the seller brings forward services that can improve performance of his or her customer’s organization.
The customer approaches a vendor seeking advice to improve his or her efficiency. In consultative selling, the seller advises the customer to improve his or her efficiency.
The traditional sales executive does everything to close the deal. In consultative selling, the customer insists on closing the deal to achieve the benefits quickly.
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