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Your needs and requirements are our top priority

We Sales Transformation Specialist can help all our customers to customize our training programs to fit your business needs which is ever changing.
It’s no secret that customize training programs to your business needs will help to meet more of your sales objectives. At Sales Transformation Specialist, we are committed to providing you with all the necessary sales training and sales leadership training programs that truly fit your unique business environment. At the end of the spectrum, with our years of experience, we can help to change language and business terminology to match your company’s standards. We can also develop more sophisticated customization training materials that incorporate real life examples in our training courses. Expanded customization training courses normally includes up-front research so that we can better understand the needs of your sales people, and the challenges they are facing. This often comprises of the followings:-
Conducting a thorough in-depth detail interviews of sales people and sales managers,
Conducting a Performance Analysis with both top, average and mediocre sales performers,
An analysis of the company sales or business proposals and presentations.
As mentioned above, this hands-on information and contact will help us to develop customized case studies and exercises for the training as well as customized implementation tools. With the detail information given by the customers, we also will know which components of our programs to emphasize and which can be shortened or skipped.
Customization modules is about the “fit and finish.” We want to work with you to make sure you spend time to improve the “fit” so that the “finish” will be far exceeds beyond your expectations. The end result of this customize training will be with greater program impact, higher adoption rates by the sales team, and improved sales results with proper implementation and execution.
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Regional Office, Level 3, Wisma Suria, Jalan Teknokrat 6, Cyber 5, 63000, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
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