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DATE : 20 & 21 MARCH / 22 & 23 APRIL / 20 & 21 MAY / 23 & 24 JUNE

As a Sales Manager/Sales Leader, you need certain skills set to develop Salespeople better as a result of your presence and making sure that their sales performance lasts in your absence.

“How to Lead, Manage, Drive, Motivate and Coach Your Sales Teams To Higher Levels Of Performance – From Selling to Managing.”

Objective Outcome:

As a sales manager, sales leader or Head of Sales, the performance of your entire sales team is ultimately a reflection of your responsibilities and effectiveness.

You’re responsible for the overall sales results. That means you have to be a role model who sets the bar standard high enough for your sales team to follow, together with your own work ethic and leads by example.

As you are aware, one of the biggest and most challenging task of a sales manager, sales leader or Head of Sales is to prepare the sales team for the constantly changing marketplace, day after day, month after month and year after year.

Most sales manager or sales leader are former salespeople who have been promoted. They know how to sell but often don't know how to lead a sales team. If you're a new sales manager or sales leader, or thinking about becoming a manager, or if you are the existing sales managers and have not attended any professional sales management or sales leadership course, this training course is for you. 

The course is also designed for New Sales Managers, Sales Leaders, Head of sales, Sales Supervisors who have a desire to increase their sales team’s overall performance, productivity and profitability. It is also directed towards Sales Managers and Sales Leaders who want to increase the value they deliver to their sales reps and organization.

Participants will learn that managing a successful sales team requires more skills than being a stand-alone successful salesperson. It also equip the sales managers with the right knowledge, skills, and tools they need to drive bottom line performance. It focuses on improving organization and forecasting skills, as well as other technical competencies aimed at guiding salespeople towards higher performance.

As you know, Sales Managers or Sales Leaders are the most important people on your sales team. They are responsible for hiring the right sales people, making accurate sales forecasts, coaching middle performers to close more deals, and leading their sales teams to higher performance.

By the end of the Sales Management/Sales Leadership Skills Training Course, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the traits of an excellent sales manager or sales leader in this competitive market.

  • Design and deliver sales strategies, plan sales territories, and use different business models to optimize sales results.

  • Employ and train the sales team to generate more sales and profits for the company.

  • Monitor some of the critical success factors for better sales results.

  • Assess your sales team’s sales strengths, sales development needs, and other areas that require improvement.

  • How to conduct sales meeting effectively.

  • Demonstrate and project sales leadership and sales team building abilities to improve sales performance and retain good sales people.

  • Carry out productive sales performance reviews and sales performance evaluation.

  • Build effective sales training programs, sales coaching, and activities or programs to help your sales team grow better and faster.

  • Develop a sales recruiting and hiring strategy that elevates your sales team

  • How to sell more through my sales team without getting overly involved in the detail?

  • Conduct sales coaching and counselling sessions effectively.

  • Influence, motivate, drive and lead the sales team effectively.

As a Sales Manager or Sales Leader, your job is not to sell, but to direct, lead, manage, drive, motivate and coach others to do the selling for you. But what is the most effective way to do that? If you expect your sales teams to be committed, focused, productive and revenues target oriented, you must consistently exhibit those very attributes and maximize their performance.


  • Good sales management is the capacity to get people of ordinary ability to perform in an extraordinary manner.

  • A good sales manager or sales leader is one who can get more work and better performance out of subordinates and get this willingly.

  • A sales manager or sales leader is one who gets things done through others or with others.

  • Sales management training program is specially design for companies to equip their Sales Managers or Sales Leaders with proven skills, right knowledge and tools they need to drive bottom line performance.

Who Should Attend?

This Sales Management/Sales Leadership training course is designed for Sales Managers, Sales Leaders, Newly appointed Sales Managers, Head of Sales and Sales Staff who are expecting to be appointed to Sales management in the near future.

Course Duration:

 This is a two (2) day training workshop programme is to be conducted from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Platform of Training:

 ZOOM or Face-To-Face.

Sales Transformation Asia Training Centre & Training Facilities

Our STA Training Centre is One of Malaysia Leading Corporate Training Facilities. Our focus and objective is to enable our customers to connect, network and learn effectively with our training facilities. Flexible training rooms were designed to accommodate trainings, coaching sessions, meetings, seminars and workshops.

Training Rooms | Meeting Rooms | Seminar Rooms | Workshop Rooms | Conference Rooms
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Phenomenal View & Relaxing Cafeteria & Reading Area

We also provide a fully equipped cafeteria with free flows of coffee and tea. Refreshments and meals will also be provided for all workshops conducted in the STA Training Centre. The evening view of the cafeteria is exceptional and the reading area is relaxing for participants to reflect what they have learned.

Welcoming Reception & Free Parking

Our welcoming reception will always welcome you with open arms! We have also dedicated ample of parking lots for all our participants to park for FREE during the course of the workshops conducted in STA Training Centre.

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To learn how we can help you to transform your organisation’s business strategy into sales success reality, kindly call us today on +603 8011 8859 or email us at

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We are HRDF Registered Training Company


+603-8314 3388


Over the phone or online

+603 8011 8859

Regional Office, Level 3, Wisma Suria, Jalan Teknokrat 6, Cyber 5, 63000, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

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