Spending Time With Prospects For More Business & Referrals | Key Account Management Training | HRDC Claimable
It is impossible to sell every possible prospect. Poor salespeople have the philosophy, “If they will see me, I will see them.”...

How To Create Closing Strategy in Sales | Win the Sale | Professional Selling Skills Training | HRDC Claimable Malaysia
Closing the sale is not an event. It is: having effective prospecting skills having a closing awareness or attitude related to everything...

Why Human Touch is Better Than Using Technology in Sales | Professional Selling Skills Training | HRDC Claimable Malaysia
Many salespeople rely too heavily on technology as a sales tool to: Contact new prospects Maintain contact with current customers Handle...

The Importance Of Knowing When To Sell & When To Negotiate | Consultative Selling Skills | Negotiation Skills Training Malaysia
Effective negotiating is not a substitute for effective selling skills. Many salespeople believe that they need to be better negotiators,...

How to Qualify a Prospect By Asking Effective Questions | Sales Prospecting & Cold Calling Training | Customer Service Training Malaysia
Many salespeople will waste a great deal of time calling on poor prospects, trying to turn poor prospects into customers, or trying to...

Why Salespeople Don’t Ask For Business After The Sales Presentation | High Impact Sales Presentation Training | HRDF Claimable Malaysia
A number of years ago, Sales and Marketing magazine did a survey. Their research indicated that 60 percent of the time in a sales-closing...

How To Do Sales Forecasting Accurately | Sales Manager Training | HRDC Claimable Malaysia
One of the things management expects of salespeople is bottom-up feedback in the area of sales forecasting. Unfortunately, many sales...

The Way You Buy Reflects The Way You Sell | Sales Coaching Training | Sales Courses
The objection that you will tend to have the most difficulty answering successfully is the one that is most consistent with your own...

How to Overcome Price Objections in Sales | Professional Selling Skills Training | Salespeople Training
Prospects and customers want several things from their suppliers: fair price, quality products and services, and timely service. Consumer...

The Power To Walk-Away From The Prospect | Sales Prospecting Training | Sales Transformation Asia
Sooner or later, you will have to walk away from a prospect or a client relationship that is no longer worth your time, energy, corporate...

How To Use Your Time Wisely With Sales Planning | Sales Management Training | Sales Leadership Training
For the past several years, I have been surveying my sales audiences to determine how much time salespeople actually spend selling. Let...

Why Give Concessions Away When You Are Not Being Asked | Sales Negotiation Training | Sales Training in Asia
Advertising your willingness to make a concession before you are asked to make one is insanity. What do I mean by this? During the...

How to Sell and Compete in This Highly Competitive Market | Best Sales Training Malaysia | Sales Marketing
Selling today is easier in many ways, but it is also more difficult in other ways. It is easier because of the Internet, social media,...

Time Management vs Sales Management | Key Account Management | Sales Training in Malaysia
You can’t manage time. Time passes. You can’t use time in advance, store it up, use it twice, save it, use it again, speed it up, slow it...

The Importance of Having a Lost-Sale Strategy | Sales Management Training | Sales Leadership Training
As I mentioned earlier, even the best salespeople can lose business: sales are not closed, customers decide to use a new supplier,...