The Importance of Prospecting For New Business | Sales Prospecting Skills
People in business will lose a percentage of their customers however successful those businesspeople are, however good their service is,...

How To Sell Yourself? | Consultative Selling Skills
Everybody has heard, more than likely at an induction course, that what you have to do is go out and sell yourself. But very few people...

The Importance of Planning and Setting Business Goals | Sales Management | Sales Leadership
There is a well-known cliché that says, ‘A person going nowhere normally gets there.’ So if you find your desire is not as strong as it...

How Do You Build Self-Confidence? | Sales Skills | Sales Training
It must be remembered that every person progressing through life will from time to time lack confidence. Confidence in many instances...

What Do Professional Salespeople Do? | Sales Training Malaysia
Professional salespeople help customers to make buying decisions. They also close the sale. I was taught a great principle by the first...