The Importance of Active Listening | Effective Listening Skills Training | Sales Training Philippine
Active listening means showing the person who is speaking to you that he or she has your full attention. Remove Distractions In order to...

Professional Selling Skills Training | How to Position Your Sales Questioning
It’s very important to understand what business your prospect does and what kind of services or products they do offer to their...

Selling Skills Training | How to Position Your Message Persuasively?
Positioning, one of the six critical skills, allows you to relate your capabilities to your customers’ needs. Here we learn how to position

Sales Negotiation Training | Do not Negotiate Too Early in the Selling Phase
Selling and negotiating are separate phases of the sales process. In STA, we discover different sales negotiation strategies and identifying

Sales Negotiation Training | The 5 Secrets of Successful Negotiators
This post tells you the trade secrets on how to be the best negotiator. These secrets will not only improve your negotiation skills but also