Excellent Key Account Management Training | Sales & Sales Management | Without a Proper Plan is

The next most common cause of the failure or partial failure of key account planning systems is the belief that, once a system is designed, it can be implemented immediately. One company achieved virtually no improvement in the quality of the plans coming into headquarters from the operating companies over a year after the introduction of a very sophisticated system. The evidence indicates that a period of around 3 years is required in a major company before a complete key account planning system can be implemented according to its design.
Failure, or partial failure, then, is often the result of not developing a timetable for introducing a new system, to take account of the following:
1. The need to communicate why a key account planning system is necessary.
2. The need to recruit top management support and participation.
3. The need to test the system out on a limited basis to demonstrate its effectiveness and value.
4. The need for training programmes, or workshops, to train the management in its use.
5. Shortage of resources in some parts of the world.
Above all, a resolute sense of purpose and dedication is required, tempered by patience and a willingness to appreciate the inevitable problems which will be encountered in its implementation.
This problem is closely linked with the third major reason for planning system failure, which is lack of line management support. Hostility, lack of skills, lack of data and information, lack of resources, and an inadequate organizational structure, all add up to a failure to obtain the willing participation of operational managers.
Hostility on the part of line managers is by far the most common reaction to the introduction of new key account planning systems. The reasons for this are not hard to find, and are related to the system initiators “lack of a plan for planning”.
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