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How To Be A Good Listener in Selling -Sales Training Malaysia

How To Be A Good Listener in Selling | Sales Training Malaysia

Hearing and listening are two different things. Hearing is a physical act. Listening is a mental one. The ears collect sound waves and send them to the brain for interpretation. Just because you don’t have a hearing problem doesn’t necessarily mean you are a good listener.

  1. One of the biggest complaints many prospects have about salespeople is that they don’t listen. Why don’t people listen?

  2. They don’t care about the other person.

  3. They are more concerned with their own ideas or thoughts.

  4. It takes too much work to listen, so they just fake it.

  5. They don’t know how to listen.

  6. They think they are listening.

  7. Their ego—the need to manipulate, control, or look good—gets in the way of their listening.

  8. The other person’s nonverbal communication style gets in the way.

  9. They think they know more about the subject than the person who is talking.

  10. They are preoccupied with their own stuff.

One of the greatest compliments you can pay a prospect or customer is to be willing to listen to them regardless of their speaking style, pace, education, or emotional circumstances.

Are you a good listener? One way to find out is to ask others to comment on your listening willingness and ability.

Turn It Around

Hang on the prospect’s every word to ensure under- standing.


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