How To Be More Patient In Business | Sales Management & Sales Leadership Skills
Patience is a virtue. That’s not so easy to see while you are follow-up on a business deal about to close, waiting for a flight that is three hours late or a friend you are meeting for lunch who is thirty minutes late, or when life doesn’t happen according to your personal schedule. One lesson life will teach you is the need for patience in all things, whether it’s the behavior of your customers, or the frustrating traffic jam you encounter on the way to an appointment. Why not look at patience from a few different perspectives?
Patience tests your faith.
Patience tests your resolve.
Patience tests your level of trust.
Patience tests your level of understanding.
Patience tests your degree of acceptance.
Each of us is faced daily with people, circumstances, issues, and life that get in our face and ask, “What are you made of?” Each of us responds differently to these challenges when they appear. Some people cave in, while others strive on. Some get stronger, while others give up. Some people learn, while others point their finger elsewhere as the cause of their misfortune. Some people take responsibility for the quality of their life, while others see themselves as victims. Some people whine, while others get on with it.
Patience can be seen on the faces of people who do not let life’s stressors make them go ballistic. These people flow with life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. They realize that life is a mix of all of this, and lacking patience is to expect life and everything in it to be perfect—all the time. Well, my friends, welcome to the real world—a world with imperfections, struggle, pain, success, failure, problems, achievements, old age, and anything else positive or negative you can name.
Turn It Around
Relax and enjoy the ride. Anything less could kill you.