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How To Handle Sales Objections Without Fear | Sales Negotiation Training | Sales Training Malaysia

How To Handle Sales Objections Without Fear | Sales Negotiation Training | Sales Training Malaysia

Objections by good prospects are not negative. They are a sign of interest, a buying signal, or a request for more information. Objections from poor prospects are their strategy for getting rid of you.

I would like you to think of sales objections as unanswered questions rather than sales resistance. In other words, what is the prospect really asking when they say things like:


v “The price is too high.” Could they be asking, “Why should I pay this much?”


v “I am happy with our current supplier or vendor.” Could they be asking, “What are the advantages of switching to your organization or your product or service?”


v “We are going to purchase this product from you, but we need to wait until the end of the month, next quarter, or next year.” Could they be asking, “What are the advantages or benefits of doing this now rather than later?”


v “We need to check with some other suppliers before we make our decision.” Could they be asking, “How is your service or product better than your competitors?”


v “We really don’t need this product.” Could they be asking, “What problem does it solve? What pain does it ease?”


Turn It Around

Develop proven techniques for answering objections.


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