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How to Have a Clear Purpose to Achieve Success | Sales Motivation

How to Have a Clear Purpose to Achieve Success | Sales Motivation

Loss of purpose in sales is akin to loss of faith in your ability to perform effectively and successfully. It is a feeling that no matter what you do, it will not be enough. It is those doubts and nagging questions that keep popping into your consciousness.

Purpose is the single most important motivator in a salesperson’s life. It keeps you keeping on when everything around you is caving in—when nothing seems to work, when people have abandoned you, and when life seems to have forgotten that you exist.

There is no easy way to regain your purpose. It is a function of many elements: will, desire, resolve, faith, trust. Discovering or rediscovering your purpose takes time, effort, passion, patience, contemplation, self- evaluation, and commitment. These traits are not inborn or easily acquired, but in the end, once you own them, there is nothing that can stand in your way as you move into the rest of your sales career and life. The first step in discovering your purpose is to find what you love, what you are passionate about, and why you are in a sales career in the first place. Most people live their lives always hoping for something better, but they either refuse or don’t know how to do the work on themselves necessary to discover their purpose. I didn’t discover mine until my late thirties after devouring dozens of sales and self-help books and contemplating hundreds of questions. Finally, it came to me, after more hours than I care to admit, in a laborious and often difficult self-appraisal: I want to help people with what I have learned on my life’s journey. This led to my speaking and sales training career and, eventually, my writing as well.

Turn It Around

Decide what is important in your life and never let it go.


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