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How To Sell Differently To Different Client | Sales Training Malaysia

How To Sell Differently To Different Client | Sales Training Malaysia

A common mistake many salespeople make is that they sell to everyone in the same way. These salespeople fail to take into consideration that each buyer or prospect has very individual motives and reasons for what, when, and how they buy. One of the keys to effective selling is to sell the prospect the way they are comfort- able buying, not the way you are comfortable selling. Let me explain further.

There are four major types of buyers:

  1. those who want quick answers and the bottom line

  2. those who want lots of details, information, and accuracy

  3. those who want to create a relationship with you and get to know you

  4. those who want to make buying a social event and want to have fun

Each of these four types of buyers must be approached from their perspective and comfort zone. To give a ton of information on features and benefits to a prospect who wants only the bottom line will surely put you back on the street without a sale. To expect a fast decision—waltz in, give your presentation, and waltz out—with the relationship buyer will earn their contempt and distrust. The secret, and it really isn’t a secret at all, is to have four—that’s right, four—distinct selling styles, vocabularies, approaches, and presentations.

Your prospect will tell you what you need to tell them to sell them, but you must discover their buying style before you launch into your presentation. Not only must you present differently to the four, but you must also close them, service them, negotiate with them, and treat them uniquely. In one of my recent seminars, one of the participants came up to me during a break after we had discussed this idea and said, “I do all of this naturally.” I hate to burst your illusion, but most of us tend to sell out of our own unique approach and not tailor our presentation to different buyers’ styles.

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Customize your sales message and approach.


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