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Time Management vs Sales Management | Key Account Management | Sales Training in Malaysia

Time Management vs Sales Management | Key Account Management | Sales Training in Malaysia

You can’t manage time. Time passes.

You can’t use time in advance, store it up, use it twice, save it, use it again, speed it up, slow it down, or do anything with it. All you can do in a framework of passing time is manage people, activities, attitudes, resources, decisions, problems, failures, successes, risks, money, and circumstances.

If you think you have a time-management problem, I would ask you another question. What, from the previous list, are you having a problem managing?

Time management is a misnomer.

Salespeople who seem to get more done don’t do it with more or less time. Each of us gets twenty-four hours a day, 168 hours a week, 672 hours a month, and 8,064 hours a year to work, play, learn, grow, travel, sleep, eat, and engage in any number of other activities.

Why is it that some salespeople achieve more results than other people? They don’t have more time, but what they do have is better personal management skills. They are better organized, more focused, or more effective using the time they have. They have priorities, and they keep focused on them—whether it is spending time with grandchildren or putting together million-dollar deals.

I love to work, but I also want to have a life other than my work. With organization, commitment, and focus, anything is possible.

How are you doing? Do you have enough time for everything in your life that is important? Is any area of your life getting short-changed?

A simple task to determine where you are wasting time or not using your time effectively is to keep a record of how you use your time in hour blocks for a week. I guarantee if you do this, you will quickly deter- mine where you need some schedule, activity, or priority modification.

Turn It Around

Know the difference between time management and personal management.


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