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What Do Professional Salespeople Do? | Sales Training Malaysia

What Do Professional Salespeople Do? | Sales Training Malaysia
Professional salespeople help customers to make buying decisions. They also close the sale.

I was taught a great principle by the first Sales Manager that I ever had to report to. His name was Brian Lee and he was a great motivator. He wrote in huge letters on a blackboard at my first training sessions: KISS. It stands for ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’. I had it drummed into me to keep my record systems, my operating methods and my presentations simple. If your message is too complex and confuses those in your audience, they are more likely to dismiss your suggestions. I suggest that when you are in doubt you should choose the simple way. As you go through deeper, you will find that the strategy about winning business and closing sales are always simple. They are easy to use and guarantee that they work.

So, what do sales professionals do? They make it easy for customers to buy and they help customers make the right decisions for themselves. Their activity is to be a solution provider (on a business card it could be ‘Solution Specialist’) but their purpose is to get the order and achieve the sale.

Be a ‘Pully’ Person

If you were to ask the average person in the street to give you a characteristic of a salesperson most would say ‘Well, they’re all a bit pushy’. Sadly these salespeople are not all extinct yet.

The modern successful professional is a ‘pully’ person, certainly not a pushy one and in the process the true professional is a value creator not a talking brochure.


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