Our dream is to train and transform you to be the BEST SALES PERSON!

The Company Sales Transformation Asia has been providing sales and sales management training for SME to Enterprise businesses. Our training focusses on the development of practical skills rather than taking the more theoretical approach. Most of our training programs have evolved from the real-world needs of our clients. We closely monitor the field of professional selling and incorporate the latest trends and techniques into our programs. Our size and flexibility allow us to tailor and customize these programs to meet our clients’ specific needs.
Our Vision:
To be the #1 regional sales transformation specialist for sales management and performance training, delivering innovative and effective sales training programmes for all types of organisations and sales professionals.
Our Values:
We deliver top quality sales transformation training and services to increase the closing percentages and help companies to bring profits to your top and bottom lines.
As a sales transformation specialist, we continuously invest in our training programmes to ensure that our clients are kept up-to-date with the latest, newest, most efficient sales techniques, so that you can stay ahead of the competition.
Our People:
To ensure our people have the expertise to challenge and the passion to care.
Our Mission:
To produce effective sales transformational programmes that are applicable at all levels of an organisation’s sales process.
With our sales transformation consultancy, the learning solutions are designed to have a measurable and positive impact on our customer’s sales teams and processes achieving sustained business growth.
Our Customers:
We will always take the time to get to the details and formulate a solution that will deliver.
To learn how we can help you to transform your organisation’s business strategy into sales success reality, kindly call us today on
+603 8011 8859 or email us at jane@sales-transformation-asia.com

+603-8314 3388
Over the phone or online

+603 8011 8859

Regional Office, Level 3, Wisma Suria, Jalan Teknokrat 6, Cyber 5, 63000, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.